A Charles Wesley Songs of Praise

A celebration in song of the three-hundredth birthday of probably the world’s greatest hymn writer.
Christ Church, Longridge.
Sunday September 16th at 6.30pm.
Come and celebrate this landmark in the history of the Methodist Church and Christianity as a whole.
Charles Wesley was born on December 18th 1707 and died in London on March 29th 1788.
Celebrations are going on all this year – nationally, in districts, in circuits and in individual churches. Christ Church, Longridge is to have its own celebration on Sunday September 16th at 6.30 pm.
We shall sing many of the favourite Wesley hymns and the service will also feature some of his poetry.
If you wish to be involved in choosing the hymns to be sung then you can indicate your choices on the slip available in the church foyer – or you can just come along and enjoy the occasion. — Geoff Balson