Advent and Christmas Services

This year Advent begins on the 29th of November.
The evening service on December 6th will be led by Apples of Gold.
Following the pattern of recent years, the Church Carol Service will be on SATURDAY December 19th at 6.30pm. On the following morning (Sunday December 20th) we will have our Family Nativity Service but there will not be an evening service on that day.
Fulwood Methodist Church will be holding a midnight Communion on Christmas Eve at Fulwood URC beginning at 11.00pm.
The Christmas Morning Service will be at 11.00am at Christ Church.
Please note that the CTL Epiphany Carol Service will be held on Sunday January 10th at 6.30pm at St. Lawrence’s Church. As this is the second Sunday of the month, the Park House Service will move to the first Sunday of the month (Jan. 6th) just for January.