Craft Fair

Last year, the Craft Group had a really successful Craft Fair so we thought we’d try another one this year.  November 5th saw the church full of stalls although perhaps not quite as many as last year.  We only managed to attract one outside stallholder and the rest were staffed Read more…

Help And Information

A variety of helpful information has been given to the church recently. 

In the foyer there are a number of leaflets from Age Concern entitled PRACTICAL SUPPORT SERVICES.  They give information on how people over 50 can get help with various house cleaning tasks; running local errands or doing shopping.  If this may be of help to you, please take a leaflet. (more…)

Craft Fair

Last year the Monday Craft Group organised a successful Craft Fair.    This year we are planning to repeat the exercise.   The Church will be open from 10.00am to 4.00pm on Saturday November 5th with stalls of hand crafted goods for sale.    Do you have a craft hobby?   Would you like Read more…

Changes In Personnel

 We are delighted that we have had positive responses to some of our recent appeals. Geoff Balson has volunteered and been confirmed in the post of First (formerly Senior) Steward.    As from September he will take over sorting the Sunday rotas amongst many other responsibilities. Margery Cook has volunteered to Read more…

Salvation Army Support

It was agreed at the last church council that donations received at the harvest (including monetary gifts) and during the Christmas Tree Festival this year will go to the Food Box scheme run by the Salvation Army in Preston to aid needy families in the Preston area.  


Pam would like to thank everyone who helped her celebrate her eightieth birthday recently with cards, gifts and especially joining her at her ‘at home’.   Many thanks to Jane,  Mandie  and  all the family for organising the day and making us all so welcome.