Elijah, Man Of God

On the morning of Sunday, 29th November, ADA, (Adults Disability Arts) will be bringing their latest play to Christ Church. This time, it is based on the Biblical account of the prophet Elijah who lived in the 9th century BC when Ahab was King of Israel. Now you may not Read more…

“Let All The World…

…in every corner sing” – and they certainly did in this particular corner. For four hours on a hot May Sunday in Kailahun, Sierra Leone, I joined with the members of the congregation to celebrate the life of Rev Victor Nabieu. Victor was the Methodist Minister in Kailahun when I Read more…

Ladies’ Guild

On August 17th we shall end our summer activities by having a meal at the Corporation Arms. We started with a night at the theatre in May. A beautiful sunny June evening saw us walking along the canal at Bilsborrow, followed by a meal at Owd Nells, and in July Read more…