Elijah, Man Of God

On the morning of Sunday, 29th November, ADA, (Adults Disability Arts) will be bringing their latest play to Christ Church. This time, it is based on the Biblical account of the prophet Elijah who lived in the 9th century BC when Ahab was King of Israel. Now you may not be able to write a 10 page essay on the life and times of Ahab but you will certainly know the name of his queen, a woman whose name has survived for the best part of 3 millennia….Jezebel!
Elijah is a man whose heart is definitely in the right place, with God, but he can also see very clearly that he hasn’t a cat in hell’s chance of surviving the tasks that the Lord God keeps asking him to do! His only options are to give up on God, or trust him absolutely. And in the end, this is also what each one of us, in all sorts of difficulties and dangers, has to do.
The banners at the front of church are also a tribute to the importance of Elijah. He lived in dark and violent times, yet he is acknowledged as the precursor of Christ, whose crib appears at the bottom of the left hand banner. The right hand banner shows Jesus with Elijah and Moses on the Mount of Transfiguration, from which the light spreads upwards towards the 2nd coming.
We make our apologies that the group’s taste in music is somewhat different (!) from our usual Sunday morning hymns and hope that you will listen to it in the context of a story which proves the power of God to protect and re-assure his people. Our brief finale appears on the notices as the week’s Prayer from the Congregation.
With many thanks to everyone at Christ Church who has made our visit possible. ADA.