Musings From The Manse – Summer 2013

Whatever Is Happening At Christ Church??
In our last Messenger we confidently outlined the arrangements that were being put in place for the time after Helen left. However all this has been thrown up in the air by some other staff changes. Our congratulations go to the Rev Paul Davis who (subject to the approval of the Methodist Conference) will take up the post of Chair of the Lancashire District in succession to the Rev Stephen Poxon. Paul explained during a recent service how he had felt reluctant to apply for this post and he only did so after the first candidate brought to Synod was rejected. Paul and his wife Elizabeth would appreciate our prayers as they go forward in obedience to God’s call. Paul (phone: 01772 726216) will still have pastoral responsibility for Christ Church until the staffing changes take effect at the beginning of September but will not be spending substantial time with us as he had originally planned because he will be involved in transitional arrangements and house moves.
With Paul moving from his post as Superintendent Minister of the Preston Ribble Circuit, the Circuit Meeting held on Ascension Day was asked to vote on the proposal that the Rev Mark Slaney become the new Circuit Superintendent. This was agreed with a large majority. Mark is currently a circuit minister responsible for Bamber Bridge and Trinity, Gregson Lane and was deputy Superintendent. He takes up the post in September but is also in a transition period and so came instead of Paul to chair our Annual General Meeting and began to get to know us. Mark is married to Rachel and has two school age children, Jacob and Anna. They too will value our prayers during this time of major change and we look forward to seeing more of Mark in the future.
Stephen Poxon and the current circuit leadership team have begun to discuss the deployment of clergy from the beginning of September and Mark felt confident that by our next Council Meeting on June 25th, he would be able to tell us who would take Pastoral Charge at Christ Church (and all the other circuit churches affected by the staff changes) as from September 1st.
The Rev David Coker who is the minister of Penwortham and Leyland United Reformed Churches and the Convenor of the Fylde Area Pastoral Committee, also attended our AGM. He came to assure us of the continuing interest and support of the URC now that Helen has left and was prepared to answer any questions which we had.
It was very encouraging to see that both our parent denominations are taking their responsibilities for our future seriously.