Are You Housebound?

At the last Church Council, we discussed a number of ideas to help those of our readers who would dearly like to attend church services, but cannot manage to get here anymore. First of all, we would remind anyone who has a problem that there are people who are willing to provide lifts so don’t be embarrassed —- if you would like a lift to church, please speak to your pastoral visitor (who brings your magazine) or a member of the church council whose phone numbers are in the church directory. However, for those who really cannot get to church at all, we discussed the possibility of recording one service each Sunday. This would require a bit of organising and we would need to get the right equipment, so we really need to know if this is something which would be used. If you would appreciate receiving a recorded service on a regular basis, please ring Carol, John or Rob on 782829 so that we can estimate demand. It will take a little while to organise but hopefully we would be able to get something going in the New Year. When you ring up, please let us know what kind of equipment you have (cassette tape player or CD player).
The third idea which was discussed related to the ‘Prayer from the Congregation’ which appears on the notices each week. One of the things we can still do when we are no longer strong and mobile is to pray. Perhaps you would like to extend your prayers to contribute a written prayer from time to time, to be included in the notices. Again if you would like to share in the ministry of the church in this way, please contact Margery Cook on 786914 or a pastoral visitor or member of the church council.
1 Comment
Janice · 15 February, 2013 at 11:21 AM
Take a look at the following link. It may aid your discussion and give you some ideas.
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